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Charlotte's Web Unit Study PDF


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Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Personal Use Download. This is a digital download item. This item is for personal use only. You may use it for your own children as needed. If you are using the curriculum in a multiple-family co-op group or a school class, you will need to purchase the Classroom version of the curriculum.

While you can modify it to be used with other versions, this literature unit is meant to be used with the original version of Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.

Each unit study contains educational lessons, activities and a fun lap book that your students will work on as they progress through the book. They also include book reports, vocabulary, critical thinking, story timelines, and comprehension. These studies are geared towards grades Kindergarten-4th, but can probably be adapted for older students as well.

I really designed these units to be a fun addition to reading the classics. I didn’t want them to be too stressful for myself or my kiddos, but instead give them something fun to do along with the stories to help them remember what they’ve learned in a fun hands-on way. The lap books included are wonderful for reviewing subject matter, and a great creative interactive homeschooling tool.


Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White is the tale of a runt pig named Wilbur who is saved by an intelligent spider named Charlotte, and the love of a little girl named Fern. The novel tells of Wilbur’s adventures on the farm and his friendship with Charlotte, the barn spider, and the other farm animals. Charlotte coaches Wilbur in etiquette, character, and articulateness. When Wilbur’s faces being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages praising Wilbur in her web in order to persuade the farmer to let him live. Charlotte’s Web is a classic of children’s literature, but is also enjoyable for adults!


In this unit students will learn about the animals on the farm, roman numerals, seasons, all about pigs, character studies, and logical thinking skills.


The units also include forms for predicting story plots, character analysis, identifying the protagonist and antagonist, a story timeline, and a final book report on the novel.


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