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Harvest Fabric Kit - Aqua Backing



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Harvest Quilt Fabric Kit & Pattern - Aqua Backing


Finished Quilt Size:

  • Finishes at 62” x 77”

Kit Includes:

  • ALL FABRIC needed for entire quilt! (Quilt top prints, Background, Borders, Binding, & Backing - All you need to complete the quilt is batting!)
  • Happy Harvest Quilt Pattern
  • Exclusive Happy Harvest Stickers!
  • Green Gingham Binding
  • Aqua Pumpkin Backing: 4-3/4 yards

Harvest Quilt Kits:

This fabric kit features my exclusive Harvest fabric collection! It includes everything you need to make the entire quilt top, backing, and binding! The only thing you need is your favorite quilt batting and you're all set!



Pieced Backing:

The pieced backing is not included in your kit. The kit has enough fabric for a solid backing, however you can piece together your leftovers to create this backing option. Please visit my blog post for more information on how to make the pieced backing



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