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Granny Star Afghan PDF


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Crochet Granny Square Afghan PDF

Crochet Granny Star Afghan

Finished Size: Approx. 58" x 58"

Finished size may vary depending on your yarn and hook size.


  • 8 Skeins Vanilla (800g MC - main color)
  • 1 Skein Celeste (100g HSTs + accent border)
  • 7 Skeins in a variety of colors (384g color total - 8g of color for ea. HST)
  • Clover Amour Crochet Hook US J (6.0mm)⁠
  • Yarn Needle
  • Embroidery Scissors

NOTE: Using another yarn weight is fine, just note that it will change your finished crochet blocks, and thus alter the size of your finished afghan.

Crochet Granny Star Afghan

Crochet Granny Star Afghan

Since these squares are essential half-square-triangles, there are several layout options!

Crochet Granny Star Afghan

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