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Vintage Stitchy Truck DECEMBER - PDF


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Vintage Truck of the Month: DECEMBER CROSS STITCH PDF

Vintage Truck December Cross Stitch

Materials Needed:

  • Cloth (14 count white Aida)
  • Size 26 tapestry needle
  • Optional: Embroidery hoop and needle minder

Floss Colors

  • DMC 413 Pewter Grey Dark
  • DMC 470 Avocado Green Light
  • DMC 472 Avocado Green Ultra
  • DMC 498 Christmas Red Dark
  • DMC 598 Turquoise Light
  • DMC 745 Yellow Light Pale
  • DMC 761 Salmon Light

The stitch count for the Vintage Truck of the Month is 38w by 46h.

I used 14 count white Aida with two strands of DMC floss. But you can substitute in any fabric and floss you prefer.

The sample is stitched on 14-count white Aida cloth with DMC floss. If you stitch with the recommended fabric, the finished piece will be approximately 3″w x 3.5″h.

Vintage Truck December Cross Stitch

Please note the pattern comes with three different chart styles, hopefully, one will work for you! It has a color chart, and a color symbol chart, and a black and white symbol chart. You can view it digitally if you’d like, or print it for ease of use.