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2023 Sew Jolly Stitch Ornaments PRINT

2023 Sew Jolly STITCHY Ornaments PRINTED HARD COPY

Sew Jolly STITCHY Ornaments Cross Stitch

Finished Size:2" x 2" each (3" x 3" if finished in the Tart Tins, and 8" x 6" if finished as a whole piece)

Materials Needed

  • 2023 Sew Jolly Stitchy Kit available in my store!
  • DMC Floss, see chart below
  • Cloth (16" x 20" 14-count Aida - I used Zweigart Aqua)
  • Size 26 tapestry needle
  • Optional: 3 yards Decorative Ribbon, Tart Tin Ornament Pack & 2.64 Sticky Board Cirles from Fat Quarter Shop

The sample is stitched on 14-count Zweigart Aqua Aida cloth with 2 strands of DMC floss. The stitch count is 28 x 28 for each ornament (with border. If you stitch with the recommended fabric, each finished ornament will be 2"w x 2″h. If you choose to stitch the ornaments as a whole the finished piece will be 6" x 8".

The pattern includes an easy-to-read full-page color-symbol chart. You can view it digitally if you’d like, or print it for ease of use. It also includes TWO finishing options as well!

Sew Jolly STITCHY Ornaments Cross Stitch

Sew Jolly Quilty Ornaments on tree

Sew Jolly STITCHY Ornaments Cross Stitch

Sew Jolly STITCHY Ornaments Cross Stitch