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Stitchy Pillow of the Month Bundle PRINT

$72.00  $65.00
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STITCHY Pillow of the Month Bundle - PRINT

Stitchy Pillow Bundle

The bundle includes patterns for all 12 Stitchy Pillow of the Month, January - December, including a BONUS July Alternative pattern for those of you who do not live in the United States!

Materials Needed:

  • Cloth (14-count Aida Wichelt Beautiful Beige)
  • DMC Floss (see chart in pattern)
  • Size 26 tapestry needle
  • Optional: Embroidery hoop and needle minder

Pattern Details

  • The stitch count for each pillow is approx. 40w x 40h. The stitch count varies for each design.
  • Finished size is 3" x 4" when stitched on called for fabric.
  • Finishing instructions
  • Full-Color with symbol chart

The samples are stitched on 14-count Whichelt Beautiful Beige Aida cloth using 2 strands of DMC floss.

Stitchy Pillow Bundle

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