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October Sticker Pack

October 6-Piece Vinyl Sticker Pack!


Sticker Size

  • You will receive six vinyl stickers: 2" x 2" (4 stickers) and 3" x 3" (2 stickers).

Stickers Included in Pack:

  • Vintage Truck
  • Sewing Machine
  • Tomato Pin Cushion
  • Pumpkin Scallop
  • Pumpkin Mug
  • Pumpkins

Sticker Information

Your order includes a pack of 6 die-cut decals printed on high-quality premium waterproof vinyl, using beautiful, vibrant colors. They're perfect for decorating water bottles, sewing machines, laptops, tablets, tumblers, journals, notebooks, planners, guitar cases, and more!

Clean the area you will place your sticker on before sticking. Ideal places are smooth, clean surfaces. To lengthen your sticker life, I recommend handwashing water bottles and tumblers.