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September Writing Prompts PDF


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Are you wondering if you should do a formal writing program for kindergarten to first grade?

While it really depends on what your student is ready for, I normally don’t do a formal writing program for kindergarten or first grade. Most kids are still working on learning how to write their letters, learning the sounds they make, and focusing on how to read.

Asking them to do a formal writing curriculum at this stage can be a little bit much in my opinion.


That said, I do like to encourage beginning writing skills without the students having worrying about how and what to write. So to help out with that goal I wanted to put out some fun writing prompts you can use for kindergarten and first grade.

These are easy, short, and traceable. They give students fill in the blank options so they can practice their handwriting skills, good sentence structure, and basic writing skills. They also work on fine-motor skills and will have fun with the hands-on cutting, pasting and coloring as well as handwriting.

Sometimes adding in other fun activities can help your reluctant writers learn to enjoy the process!


This download includes six different writing prompts along with sample traceable word cards that students can cut and paste into the sample sentence. They can then re-write the sentence in the clipart image for more practice. You are welcome to use the sample word cards or help your students write in their own words as well.


I encourage you to have your students keep their finished work somewhere fun. They can color in the clipart image, cut it out and then add it to a bulletin board, writing notebook, or journal to keep.

I will be releasing a new themed set each month so feel free to use them in your classroom or homeschool as a fun way to be creative while practicing beginning writing skills!

Get the September Writing Prompt Ideas here!



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