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Letter of the Week - CLASSROOM PDF


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Preschool Curriculum - Classroom & Co-Op License - DOWNLOAD

This item is a digital download. This license is to be used if you are sharing the curriculum in a class or co-op. This version allows for printing of materials for multiple students as well as teachers in a classroom or co-op setting. If you have multiple children that are your own, i.e. not daycare or co-op, you do not need to purchase the classroom version.

NOTE: This curriculum comes with the Preschool Daily Learning Notebook. There is a coupon code in the curriculum to get it free!

The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum that’s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten! Included are weekly lesson plans that cover all the subjects a preschooler needs and more!

So what’s in the Letter of the Week curriculum?


The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum that’s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten!

There are approximately 1500 printable pages of games, ideas and activities included in this curriculum! There are about 50 pages of activities and games for each letter.


Each letter includes a HUGE variety of hands-on learning games and activities to help your student enjoy learning and practice all of the skills they’ll need to be kindergarten ready! Actually, they’ll be a little ahead, but we won’t tell if you don’t!


-->>Click here to see a typical week of activities <<--


As an added BONUS, you will receive DAILY LESSON PLANS! I’ve arranged the activities in such a way that your student will be practicing a variety of skills each day, however you’re welcome to arrange them however best fits your needs.


-->> Click here to see a SAMPLE LESSON PLAN <<--


  • A- Z Weekly Lesson Plans
  • Weekly Bible Verse
  • Weekly Art Lessons
  • Read aloud books
  • Phonics practice
  • Capital/lowercase letter recognition
  • 1-10 Numbers recognition
  • Counting practice
  • Colors
  • Shapes
  • Fine Motor skills: Lacing cards, cutting, coloring & pre-writing
  • Logic skills: Puzzles, size sorting, matching games
  • Large Muscle Movement: Large Floor Numbers/Letters Hopscotch
  • Singing: Leapfrog A-Z letter sound songs, Bible Verse Songs
  • Arts & Crafts for each letter
  • Daily Calendar and Weather Activities
  • NEW!! Spanish Word Flashcards for each letter!


Tracing and handwriting practice



Daily Learning Notebook activities


Numbers, letters, and shapes practice


For additional ideas such as reading & non-printable activities please visit my Alphabet Fun links on this blog!

As you can see, in addition to getting all of the printable materials in the download, you will also receive my spreadsheet of weekly lesson plans for each letter, along with some accompanying ideas for the letters and links to create an alphabet binder as you go. I’ve even added a Spanish Word Flashcard set for each letter!

You can choose to follow my plans or make them your own. In the plans I provide, I have arranged the activities so your student is completing a variety of different activities each day.

My Lesson Plan worksheets are based on using The Workbox System, but you could easily just pull out the activities as you wish.


NOTE: All files are PDF format. You will need adobe reader (it’s FREE) to open the files.

The files are compressed ZIP files, so you will also need an extractor if you don't already have one. Here's a few free ones, if you don't like these, you can search for free unzip software: