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Kindergarten Summer Activity Pack PDF


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Kindergarten Summer Bridge Pack

So many of you have asked for a Kindergarten Summer Bridge Activity Pack, and I was going to wait to release it, but in light of what’s going on in our community I thought now would be a great time!


This pack is designed to help reduce learning loss over long breaks as well as remind and refresh kids minds over the summer break!

I also included a 3 week/ 5 day teacher’s manual to help guide your activities and make sure you’re getting a variety of skills covered each day. But you are also welcome to adjust the schedule to fit your needs best. You can spread the activities out over an entire summer and just do 1-2 activities per day for light refreshing. You can also add in or omit any activities as needed.

This pack is designed for kindergarteners who are entering first grade, but can also be used for advanced preschoolers preparing to enter kindergarten.

It includes a teachers manual with daily lesson plans and over 350 printable activities to help keep your kids interested and having fun!


The 3 week KINDERGARTEN PACK includes daily activities for:

  • Calendar Time
  • Letters
  • Numbers/Math
  • Handwriting
  • Colors
  • Shapes
  • Sightwords
  • Phonics
  • Reading

It’s full of fun and hands on activities that your student will enjoy! And it’s a great way to bond with your child over the break and have fun learning too!


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