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Black Beauty Unit Study PDF


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Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

Personal Use Download. This is a digital download item. This item is for personal use only. You may use it for your own children as needed. If you are using the curriculum in a multiple-family co-op group or a school class, you will need to purchase the Classroom version of the curriculum.

While you can modify it to be used with other versions, this literature unit is meant to be used with the original version of Black Beauty by Anna Sewell.


Black Beauty is a novel that was originally meant for horse lovers, but it quickly became one of the best-selling books of all time. It was written by author Anna Sewell during the last years of her life, with Sewell dying just five months after its release. This novel addresses animal welfare and teaches its readers how to treat people with kindness, sympathy, and respect.

The story tells the tale of Black Beauty, a sensitive and intelligent horse who shares a lifetime of his feelings, hopes, and dreams. The story follows Black Beauty through his life of hard times, good times, and learning life lessons. The novel is told from the horses' point of view and has memorable characters which help make it a delightful read!

As you proceed through the novel students will create a fun lap book to help solidify what they’ve learned through reading.


This unit includes an educational horse lap book full of vocabulary, horse care, character studies, and more.


Here is another view of the lap book with the top flap opened up. Inside students learn about different horse breeds, facial and leg markings, and horse gaits.


The units also include forms for predicting story plots, character analysis, identifying the protagonist and antagonist, a story timeline, and a final book report on the novel.


This file is a downloadable PDF document only. You will not receive a hard copy.