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World’s Greatest Artists Vol. 2 PDF DOWNLOAD!

Personal Use Download. This item is for personal use only. You may use it for your own children as needed. If you are using the curriculum in a multiple-family co-op group or a school class, you will need to purchase the Classroom version of the curriculum.

Age Group: These unit studies are intended for elementary students ages Kindergarten - 5th or 6th grades.



Come along on our quest to learn about some of the world’s greatest artists! In this series of artist studies, we will be learning about 7 of the world’s greatest artists. We will immerse ourselves in the work of each artist so we become well familiar with their style, methods, and images. The Unit study includes 8 open and go lessons for each artist.

Much of our time studying will be through open discussion and hands on experimentation. Upon completion of this curriculum you will be able to easily recognize the artwork from each artist studied, learn to look at art critically, as well as have gained an appreciation for art in general. You will also have explored some new techniques, and created several of your own unique masterpieces!

So grab some paint brushes, paints, and get ready to explore, create, and learn!

Who is this for?

I designed the artist units for elementary-aged students, typically K-5, but I’ve had several people say that they’ve been used for older students with great success as well.


I suggest scheduling approximately 4 weeks per artist. Each artist study has 8 lessons so that averages to 2 lessons per week over the course of 26 weeks. However, the lessons can be easily adapted to fit your schedule as well.

Co-ops might consider learning about the methods, techniques, styles of an artist one week, and then doing the art project for that artist the following week.

I highly recommend the Mike Venezia Books to go along with my curriculum, they are included in the lesson plans. The books are a fun addition and are perfect for younger kids!

What artists are included in Vol. 2?
  • Norman Rockwell
  • Rembrandt
  • Paul Cezanne
  • Andy Warhol
  • Pierre Auguste Renoir
  • Paul Gauguin
  • Edgar Degas


Materials needed:
  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Paint, water color and tempera
  • Paint Brushes
  • Drop Cloth, or something to protect your work area
  • Clay or Play-doh

Resources Suggested: Getting to know the World’s Greatest Artist Series by Mike Venezia:

For several lessons there are hands on activities to help students recognize and appreciate the artwork they are studying. Here is an example of a puzzle Turbo worked on for Georgia O’Keeffe from World’s Greatest Artist Vol. 1.


  Here is a close-up of the Artist Flashcards, again one of our artists from Vol. 1.




As you progress through the curriculum students will create a fun lapbook with puzzles, artists flashcards, reports, and mini-books to help remind them of the artist’s work, how they felt about it, and what they remember most! Here is what the inside of your lapbook will look like once you start filling it up (Pics are from Vol. 1)!


I hope you enjoy learning all about art!

Note: This is a downloadble product, you will NOT be mailed a hard copy. There are 73 pages in this download.

Current Reviews: 1