Worlds Greatest Artists 1 - CLASSROOM CD$35.95
Artist Unit Study - Classroom CD
Classroom Use CD. This license is to be used if you are sharing the curriculum in a class or co-op. This version allows for printing of materials for multiple students as well as teachers in a classroom or co-op setting. If you have multiple children that are your own, i.e. not daycare or co-op, you do not need to purchase the classroom version.
Note: The content for both the download and CD are identical, it's just a different delivery method. Some people prefer to have the instant downloads, others like the CD for backup. Some do both! Age Group: These unit studies are intended for elementary students ages Kindergarten - 5th or 6th grades. Welcome to The World’s Greatest Artists Vol. 1! Come along on our quest to learn about some of the world’s greatest artists! So grab some art supplies and get ready to explore, create, and learn! In this series of artist studies, we will be taking a look at 8 of the world’s greatest artists. The idea behind these studies is to immerse students in the work of each artist so that they are well familiar with their style, methods, and images. Much of your time studying will be through open discussion with students. Upon completion of this curriculum, your student should be able to easily recognize the artwork from each artist studied. They will also have learned several different techniques, mediums, and styles as well as have gained an appreciation for art work in general. Scheduling I suggest scheduling approximately 4 weeks per artist. Each artist study has 8 lessons, so that averages to 2 lessons per week over the course of 32 weeks. However, the lessons can be easily adapted to fit your schedule as well. That said, this unit is extremely flexible, and can be adjusted to fit your needs easily. Co-ops and Classes might consider learning about methods, techniques, styles, mediums, etc. for an artist one week. Then doing the coordinating art project the next week. Each study includes:
Much of our time studying will be through open discussion and hands on experimentation. Upon completion of this curriculum you will be able to easily recognize the artwork from each artist studied, learn to look at art critically, as well as have gained an appreciation for art in general. You will also have explored some new techniques, and created several of your own unique masterpieces! And at the end you’ll have a wonderful Greatest Artists Lap Book to refer to! Resources needed for this study include: What Artists are included in Vol 1?
For several lessons there are hands on activities to help students recognize and appreciate the artwork they are studying. Here is an example of a puzzle Turbo worked on for Georgia O’Keeffe from World’s Greatest Artist Vol. 1.
And here is a close-up of the Artist Flashcards, again one of our artists from Vol. 1.
Lapbook: As you progress through the curriculum students will create a fun lapbook with puzzles, artists flashcards, reports, and mini-books to help remind them of the artist’s work, how they felt about it, and what they remember most! Here is what the inside of your lapbook will look like once you start filling it up (Pics are from Vol. 1, and yes, Georgia’s name has been fixed)! Note: This is a CD product, you should receive your CD within 7-10 business days of purchase. This download has 76 pages. Recommended Resources: Customers who bought this product also purchased... |