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Artist Notebooking Pages Bundle PDF


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Hi friends! I have a fun new bundle for you today. Since my kiddos are getting a little older, they wanted something besides lapbooks to work on and so I’ve created some fun artist notebooking pages.

NOTE: This download is a PERSONAL USE download in PDF format. Upon completion of your order, you will be directed to a downloads page in your account where you can download the file to your computer. Click on the "SAVE" button to save the file to your computer. Then you may print as needed for your own children. If you wish to purchase a classroom/co-op use license please visit my store to purchase that item.


There are 23 different artist notebooking pages included in this bundle. They can be used with any art program you prefer including my World’s Greatest Artists 1 & 2 volumes.

The Artist Notebooking Pages Bundle includes:

  • 4 blank artist fact sheets
  • 3 blank artwork fact sheets
  • 15 individual artist pages including: Paul Cezanne, Leonardo Da Vinci, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, Michelangelo, Claude Money, Georgia O’Keeffe, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock, Rembrandt, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Normal Rockwell, Vincent Van Gogh, and Andy Warhol.
  • Blank notes template to use for any journaling or note taking as needed.

As I mentioned there are several blank pages where students can journal information on individual artists. A few of the pages are totally blank, with just basic information on the artists facts, the others have a few headers to help students list particular information on each artists style, life, etc.


There are also blank artwork pages where students can write information on the artists and a particular piece of work. There are a few bullets to help students write main information along with blank journaling lines where they can write in any information required in their studies.


I have also included individual artist pages where students can gather information on the artists listed in the pages. Of course they go along with both of my World’s Greatest Artists units. I’ve included some of the more prominent artists which should also fit with other art unit studies that you may be doing, along with individual artist research as well.


And finally I’ve added in some blank note taking pages which can really be used with any subject, but they are made to go along with this artist bundle. Students can use them as a second page if the first page of information isn’t enough space, or they can be used as plain note taking pages.


I hope you enjoy this bundle, if you have a specific notebooking bundle you are looking for please let me know and I'll see what I can do to create those pages for you!