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Cross Body Satchel PDF


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Hi friends! I have had several requests for an adjustable strap bag as well as adding hardware to bags, so in today’s tutorial we are going to tackle both!

When I used to see hardware on bags I was immediately intimidated, however I think you’ll be pleased at how easy this bag comes together!

VIDEO Tutorial Included

This cute pattern also comes with a step-by-step video tutorial linked in the pattern so you can follow the written instructions, or the video tutorial! Which ever fits your needs best!

Easy to follow instructions

This pattern comes with easy to follow written instructions with graphic illustrations as well as a free video tutorial so you can follow along with me as I sew!


Supplies used in this tutorial

We’re going to be installing a cute lobster clasp front enclosure as well as an adjustable shoulder strap which makes this bag super functional!



I’ve also added a cute zipper pocket in the back for added storage. And don’t worry, if you’ve never installed a zipper before it’s super easy and I’ll show you how step by step.


I used a Lella Boutique light blue pinstripe fabric for the lining. This is from her Nest line and I just think it’s so sweet.


For this project I used Rifle Paper Co Amalfi floral print fabric along with RJR Cotton + Steel Basics for the bottom. It is a natural color with cute little white x’s on it.




It’s tall enough to fit a Jax as well. Though I’m not sure he’s super thrilled about that fact here. Normally he’s a “get in anything I can fit in” type of guy. Maybe he’s just having an “off” day?



Do you prefer written instructions?

Get Erica’s Cross Body Satchel PDF Sewing Instructions Now! here!


Thanks for joining me for today’s project! If you make this project make sure to tag me @ericaarndt on Instagram or Facebook and use #ericascrossbodysatchel so I can see your projects!

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