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Drawstring Squishy Bag 2 PDF


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Hi friends! I have a new tutorial for you today! We'll be making this updated version of my original Drawstring Squishy Bag!

This one features a ruffled drawstring casing, inside pocket, and it's bigger meaning you can fit more goodies inside!

Drawstring Squishy Bag 2

This cute bag finishes at about 14" w by 12" tall, and it's perfect for storing craft projects like your knitting, crochet, stitching, and more! My girls also love to use these bags to carry toys and pretty much any other goodies they can fit inside!

Drawstring Squishy Bag 2 Supplies


  • Fabric: Sugar Creek by Corey Yoder for Moda
  • Drawstring: Moda ribbon from my FQ Bundles

Drawstring Squishy Bag 2 Finished

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