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Drawstring Squishy Bag 3 PDF


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In this fun pattern, I’m modifying my popular Drawstring Squishy Bag to add handles! I always like to take these to our local knit nights, and with me when running kids around. And handles make this already great bag even better!


This project is really fun, and you can customize it to fit other tools like knitting needles, crochet hooks, and more! The finished bag is approximately 13″ x 14″ and is perfect for holding your craft projects like knitting, crochet, and stitching. Of course you can also use it as a small purse to carry just about anything you like!


  • Outside fabric - 2 FQs
  • Lining fabric - 1/2 yd
  • Handle Straps - 1/4 yd
  • Drawstring: (2) Cotton rope/ribbon 36″ long
  • Cotton Quilt Batting/Interfacing
  • Cotton Thread
  • Olfa Rotary Trimmer
  • Oliso Pro Smart Iron
  • Creative Grids Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Clover Wonder Clips

For this project I used the Wanderings fabric line by Poppie Cotton along with some natural canvas for the bottom.


I decided to use this raw leather strap for my handles, but you can also make fabric straps too. To make fabric handles, cut two pieces of fabric 4″ x 26″. Fold the long edges in 1/4″ and press. Then fold the whole strap in half lengthwise and press again. Place a 1-3/4″ x 26″ piece of quilt batting or interfacing inside the strap, then stitch down the long open edge to close the strap.


I used a soft blue for the lining and it’s just such a nice and relaxing color!

