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Easy Vinyl Zipper Pouch PDF


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Easy Vinyl Zipper Notions Pouch

These vinyl zipper pouches are so fun and easy to make! They're perfect for storing all of your craft projects, notions, and bits and bobs!

This pattern includes TWO SIZES of notions pouches!

It includes a 5" x 5" mini version perfect for storing small notions, and a large version that finishes at 12.5" x 14.5", perfect for all of your crafting projects!

Easy Vinyl Notions Pouch

I also have a video tutorial linked in the pattern as well to help you with any questions you may have!


Easy Vinyl Notions Pouch 2

I used some of my Pam Kitty Morning fabric from my stash for this project. It’s one of my favorite lines because it’s so bright and colorful! I believe this line is out of print, but you may be able to find some on Etsy!

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