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Non-Dated Lesson Planner - Colorful PDF


Date Added: 06/17/2015 by Kaycee Nuce
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I rarely write reviews, but I wanted to let you know that I love this planner. I have used this...

Date Added: 07/31/2014 by Megan Layaw
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This planner/organizer is GENIUS! It really has everything I need(and more I didn't even know I...

Date Added: 08/01/2013 by Tiona Poe
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It is beautiful! I am definitely looking forward to using this in our homeschool this year!

Date Added: 05/29/2013 by Michelle Raine
A generic image
This is a very well made planner. I have been looking for a comprehensive homeschool planner - and...

Date Added: 05/25/2013 by Brittany Calvi
A generic image
I love our Colorful Lesson Planner! The file downloaded quickly and I now have 98 pages of some...