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12 Days of Quilty Ornaments PDF


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12 Days of Quilty Ornaments

12 Days of Quilty Ornaments PDF

Finished Size varies from 3" to 6" for each ornament

Materials Needed:

  • Background Fabric: 1/4 yard or 1 FQ
  • Aqua: 1/4 yard OR 1 FQ
  • Red: 1/4 yard OR 1 FQ
  • Grey: 1/4 yard OR 1 FQ
  • Green: 1/4 yard OR 1 FQ
  • Backing & Batting: 1/2 yard
  • Optional: 3 yards decorative ribbon

Fabric used: Mix of Sweetwater Christmas Prints for Moda

Pattern Level: Beginner-Intermediate

The pattern includes easy-to-follow step-by-step written instructions along with detailed graphic illustrations to make sewing this project a breeze! It’s a fairly easy traditionally pieced pattern, but there are some small pieces, so I consider it a beginner-intermediate.

The Pattern includes 12 fun and easy holiday designs that are fast and easy to make. They are a perfect Advent sewing project as well, just sew one ornament every other day and decorate your sewing room as you go! And because I couldn't make up my mind on which I liked better, I added in BONUS patterns as well!

They're also the perfect companion to my 12 Days of Stitchy Ornaments too. I put up this fun flocked pencil tree in my sewing room and now it's decorated with all kinds of quilty and stitchy goodies!

12 Days of Quilty Ornaments

12 Days of Quilty Ornaments

12 Days of Quilty Ornaments

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