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Happy Granny PRINT


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Happy Granny PRINT

Happy Granny Quilt

Finished Size: 68" x 68"

Materials Needed:

  • Background: 3-1/2 yards
  • 5 Reds: 1/4 yard each
  • Pink: 1/4 yard
  • Border Red: 1-1/4 yard
  • Low Volume: 3/8 yard
  • Binding: 1/2 yard
  • Backing/batting: 4-1/4 yards

Fabric used: Moda Bella Solid White 9900-97, Mix of Bonnie and Camille reds and pinks for Moda.

Pattern Level: Beginner

The pattern includes easy-to-follow step-by-step written instructions along with detailed graphic illustrations to make sewing this project a breeze! It’s a fairly easy traditionally pieced pattern, but there are some small pieces, so I consider it a beginner-intermediate.

Happy Granny Quilt

Happy Granny Quilt

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