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Benjamin Franklin Unit Study PDF


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Benjamin Franklin Unit Study


Personal Use Download. This item is for personal use only. You may use it for your own children as needed. If you are using the curriculum in a multiple-family co-op group or a school class, you will need to purchase the Classroom version of the curriculum.

Age Group: These unit studies are intended for elementary students ages Kindergarten - 5th or 6th grades.

Each of my scientist & inventor unit studies contains educational lessons, activities and a fun lap book that your students will work on as they progress through the study. The lessons also include book reports, vocabulary, character traits of these important figures, and critical thinking skills. I currently have 7 studies in this series. These studies are geared towards grades Kindergarten-4th, but can probably be adapted for older students as well.




Benjamin Franklin was born January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is known as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States due to his great political achievements. He was also a musician, scientist, inventor, statesman, and diplomat. He is most well known for his discoveries regarding electricity and is credited with inventing the lightening rod, bifocal gasses, the Franklin Stove, the glass armonica, along with many others. He was also an author and commonly wrote articles under a pseudonym.


Franklin was present at the Second Continental Congress and in June 1776 was appointed to the Committee of Five that drafted the United States Declaration of Independence. In 1775 he was named the first united States Postmaster General. He is the only Founding Father who is a signatory of all four of the major documents of the founding of the United States: The Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the United States Constitution. Though Franklin died in 1790, his name and legacy lives on.


This study uses the Benjamin Franklin scientists and inventors series by Mike Venezia, but students are welcome to use any other researched information they can find as well. I would highly encourage older students to do some independent research on their scientist and inventor prior to completing their final report.





In this study students will learn all about Benjamin Franklin , his childhood history, lifetime achievements, characteristics, as well as some of his greatest inventions and contributions to the United States of America. Below is a sample of the Lapbook that students will create as they learn about Benjamin Franklin. Activities for this unit include:

  • All About Benjamin Franklin
  • Inventions
  • The New England Currant
  • Franklin as an Author
  • Famous Quotes
  • Community Contributions
  • Characteristics
  • Electricity
  • Vocabulary
  • Benjamin Franklin on U.S. Currency
  • A Final Report




The study also includes a final report on Benjamin Franklin for students to complete. There are several different formats of the report to accommodate varying student grade levels that might be completing the unit.

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