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Erica's Scrap Bin PDF


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Erica's Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

They're so versatile and can be used to hold just about anything. I have one that is full of my rolled up layer cakes, I keep my current projects in these bins too. I store the pattern, fabric, and any leftover scraps, etc. in it. That way all of the supplies for my current WIP can be stored in one place, and it looks cute in my room too!

Finished Size: This cute bin finishes at about 5.5" x 10.5" x 6.5". They’re the perfect size for storing fat quarters and smaller cuts of fabric. But really, you can use it to store anything you like!

Fabric used in sample: Cherished Moments by Poppie Cotton and natural cotton canvas

Supplies used for this project are all included in the easy to read pattern! It is fat quarter friendly, but is also a great way to use up your fabric scraps too!

Ericas Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

Ericas Scrap Bin

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