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Interchangeable Needle Case PDF


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Hi everyone! I have another fun tutorial for you today! I’ll be showing you how to make this super easy and cute interchangeable knitting needle case!


Video Tutorial Included!

This pattern includes a link to the free video tutorial so you can follow along with me as I show you how to sew this project!

You can make this cute project with just 5 fat quarters, a little batting, a cute ribbon, and a zipper!

Detailed Written Instructions

This pattern includes step-by-step written instructions along with detailed graphic illustrations to go along with the video tutorial.

I used Little Snippets by Bonnie and Camille fabric for this, plus a few of my older fabrics as well.There are pockets behind the needle slots to store your cords as well.



I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for my yarn needles and this was the perfect solution for them! They’re kept out of the way, but are easily accessible when needed.


I also added a fun zipper pocket on the back to store things like scissors, stitch markers, gauge markers and whatever other notions you like to keep close at hand!


It also has a little flap that crosses over then ties to keep all of your notions safe and secure inside!


I find this little pouch holds everything I need and so I just wrap it up and toss it in whatever project bag I’m working on. That way I always have my supplies with me!

You can also easily customize the needle slots to fit your unique needs, making it the perfect little caddy!


And that’s it friends! This little project is so fun and easy to make! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!


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Looking for a cute DPN or Crochet hook case? Check out this tutorial below!
