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Erica's Sewing Machine Mat PDF


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Hi everyone! Today I’ll be showing you how to make this super cute and easy sewing machine mat tutorial. You can use these for any craft supplies you like, but I love putting it under my sewing machine so I can keep all of my tools handy!


This project is super easy and beginner friendly, and as always I’ll walk you through it in my step-by-step video tutorial!

Finished Size: 19" x 20"

Video Tutorial!

This pattern comes with a free video tutorial so you can sew right along with me!

Do you prefer written instructions?

This pattern includes easy to follow step-by-step written instructions along with detailed graphic illustrations to make sewing this project a breeze!

Supplies used in this tutorial:


Thanks for joining me today, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial! If you make this project, tag me @ericaarndt and use #ericassewingmat so I can see what you create! :)


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