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Happy Granny Quilt

This EASY LOG CABIN quilt pattern is perfect for beginners! It has all straight seams, and comes together so quickly! It is also easy to resize by adding or taking away blocks!

Finished Size: 62" x 62" (I added another row to mine, so it is 62" x 76")

Materials Needed:

    • Background: 1-1/2 yards
    • Prints: 1 Jellyroll or 16 FQs
    • Binding: 1/2 yard
    • Backing/batting: 4-3/4 yards

Fabric used: FigTree Catalina Jelly Roll, Bee Basics cross background, Figtree Pumpkin and Bossoms Backing.

Pattern Level:Beginner

The pattern includes easy-to-follow step-by-step written instructions along with detailed graphic illustrations to make sewing this project a breeze! It’s a fairly easy traditionally pieced pattern, but there are some small pieces, so I consider it an EASY beginner.

Happy Granny Quilt

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