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$25 Gift Certificate


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Give the gift of learning! Purchase a Gift Certificate now!

You can send this as a gift to someone or use it for yourself.

Once purchased an administrator will approve the gift certificate and you will receive an email with a redemption code. To redeem click the link in the email or key the code into the redemption code box on checkout page.

How To Send a Gift to a Friend:
To use or send the gift card to a friend, login to your account, and click on "My Account" you will see the gift card in there. Click on the "Send a Gift Certificate" button. You can send any amount up to the amount purchased to one or more friends via email.

How To Use Your Gift Card:
To Redeem the code, enter either your redeem code, or enter an amount you wish to use. If you have not already redeemed the gift certificate then you will need to enter the redemption code.

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