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Sweet Confections Mega Kit - Commercial Use


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Sweet Confections Mega Kit - Commercial Use License

 These files - which are to be considered a design tool rather than a final design product and are licensed to the purchaser's computer only and are not to be shared, loaned, rented, resold, distributed, transferred, or posted across a bulletin board, network, modem, Internet or web page in their original form. The purchaser has a license to create derivative designs using these files - but is not licensed to re-distribute them in their original format.

Do not make copies of these files on any electronic or physical medium (including CDs, diskettes, or other storage medium) for reasons other than back-up purposes. Do not share these products with anyone.

Examples of correct usage:
~Creating cards, candy wrappers or physical scrapbook layouts to give to friends and family.
~Creating websites or web templates for professional use.
~Creating cover are for books, newsletters or advertising materials.
~Creating non-scrapbooking related products to share with consumers.

Examples of incorrect usage:
~Creating altered digital files to sell or share with digital scrapbookers.
~Creating digital files, papers, page layouts, etc. to be sold to another company for distribution.
~Re-distributing the products (meaning as they are received) directly to consumers.

The key questions to ask yourself before undertaking a project using this license and any digital products:
~Am I re-distributing any digital files in their original or altered form?
~Am I taking credit or obtain profits that should go to the original designer?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes please contact me at at for further negotiations or licensing clarifications.