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Non-Dated Lesson Planner - Arrows PDF


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Lesson Planner ~ Arrows – Personal Use Only.

Are you a looking for a more masculine lesson planner? Look no further!

I tried to make this planner fairly customizable so you should be able to use it whether you homeschool or teach in a traditional classroom.  


This planner is an 8x10 landscape layout. If you're looking for a portrait layout, you might want to try the Floral Planner or one of my daily planners.

The planner runs August - July and is NON-dated . The days are listed in order Monday - Sunday in the planner.

There are 93 full color pages in this printable planner.

The first part of the planner you’ll find the weekly planning pages. I included 5 copies for each month so you should have enough for each month regardless of how many days there are.

NOTE: There are no dates in this planner, so you can print it as many times as you like and re-use use it for years to come!

What forms are included?

The following pages are all of my helpful homeschooling forms. The form section includes the following items. If there’s a form I forgot, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to add one in!



Most of these forms were created to go along with my Homeschooling 101: A Guide to Getting Started eBook. Hopefully they’re fairly self explanatory but you can use them however best suits your needs.

There are 39 pages in the Homeschooling Forms download

  • Homeschooling Vision Statement
  • Notice of Intent to Homeschool
  • Home Rules Chart (There are a couple versions of this, one partially filled in and one blank.)
  • Behavior & Discipline Chart
  • Our Family Schedule
  • Our Commitment Worksheet
  • Our Curriculum
  • Curriculum Plan Overview
  • Weekly Subject overview
  • Weekly Schedule Overview
  • Our Book List
  • My Reading Log
  • Planned Field Trips
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Craft Supply List
  • Homeschool Supply Shopping List
  • Photocopies Needed List
  • Unit Study Planner
  • Preschool Assessment Form
  • kindergarten Assessment Form
  • Sight Word Assessment Form (Covers Primer – 3rd Grade)
  • Homeschool Attendance Records
  • Homeschool Long Term Grade Records
  • Super Mom vs. Abiding Mom Printable


How do I use the planner?


To use, simply print the planner, then take it to a local office supply shop to have it spiral bound for ease of use. It cost me $3.50 for the spiral coil, clear plastic cover, and white back cover. You can even print an extra one for your students if they prefer to work off of their own planner! If you like you can print the sheets front to back, or one sided depending on your preference.

Fill it in!

First add in the current week dates at the top along with all of your subjects down the left hand column.


Next add in your lessons on the lines provided. You can use the lines to write in lessons for each child as indicated below.


I like to use different colored pens for each of my children.  



As you proceed through your lessons, highlight the completed items so you know that they are finished.



I hope you enjoy this version of my planner! Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would like to see anything added in that I missed! Enjoy!

NOTE: This item is currently available in digital download format only. It is in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader to open and print the file.

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