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Easy Zip Pouch PDF


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Good morning! It’s Thursday, and that means it’s time for another sewing tutorial! Today I’ll show you how to make this super EASY ZIPPER POUCH!

This project is very beginner friendly and even includes a little quilting if you’d like to get your feet wet! But don’t worry, there are instructions on how to skip that step if you want to make this bag even easier in the PDF download below!

Easy to follow instructions!

This pattern comes with easy to follow written instructions with graphic illustrations as well as a free video tutorial so you can follow along with me as I sew!

I just did simple quilting on this project to make the strips stand out. I used my regular sewing foot and just followed the seam lines stitching 1/4” away from them on either side.


I used a fun floral print for the lining. This is from the Vintage Picnic line by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. It’s one of my favorites and I’ve been hoarding it for a few years LOL! But it’s so nice to see it being used in a project Smile



I can’t wait to fill this bag with goodies! Of course it’s perfect for knitting, crochet, and stitching projects, but it’s even great as a makeup bag or for school supplies! Really you can put anything you want in this little zipper pouch!


Supplies used in this tutorial:

And that’s it friends! As you can see this project is super easy and perfect for storing all kinds of goodies from school supplies to craft supplies and more!

If you make this project make sure to tag me @ericaarndt on Instagram or Facebook and use #ericaseasyzippouch so I can see your projects!


Thanks for joining me today, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!