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Dresden Zipper Pouch PDF


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Hi everyone! I have a fun new pattern for you today! I'll be showing you how to make this super cute Dresden plate zipper pouch. Dresden's are one of my favorite quilt blocks. And while they may appear difficult, they're actually quite easy to put together!

Are you ready to get started on this fun project?

This project is very beginner friendly and even includes a little quilting if you’d like to get your feet wet! But don’t worry, there are instructions on how to skip that step if you want to make this bag even easier in the PDF download below!

Easy to follow instructions! This pattern comes with easy to follow written instructions with graphic illustrations as well as a free video tutorial so you can follow along with me as I sew!

Supplies used in this tutorial:

I decided to do a little hand stitching along the outside edge of the Dresden just to make it pop! It was super easy and I think gives this project a little extra don't you? If you're not sure how to do hand-stitching, watch the video, I show you in there!

Get Erica’s Dresden Plate Zipper Pouch Written Pattern today and get started sewing!

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