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Erica's Market Bag PDF


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I’m so excited about this cute DIY Market Tote Bag tutorial! Not only are they better for the environment, but they’re also cute and easy to make!


This bag finishes at about 8″ deep, 15″ wide, and 14″ tall, so it’s a great size for carrying a lot of goodies!


I used this adorable “Choose Kindness” print from Sweet Water Fabrics. It’s printed on a light canvas material. I really like using canvas, or even waxed canvas for this project. Anything that is a bit thicker and more durable is perfect!



For the straps I used a 1-1/4″ cotton webbing. It’s nice and flexible, strong, and easy to work with.

They also fold up nicely making them very compact for carrying. I like to fold up a bunch, then put them all into one bag and take them with me to the super market.


Of course they’re re-usable, but they’re also washable! Just toss them in the wash on warm, and either lay flat or tumble dry and you’re good to go!

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