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Vintage Quilt Bundle PRINT

Note: These are hard copy PRINT Patterns. Your patterns will be mailed upon completion of your order.

Vintage Quilt Bundle PRINT!

Hello friends! Per popular request, I’ve just bundled all of your favorite Vintage Quilts into one easy bundle! The bundles are available in both PDF and PRINT versions, so choose whichever version you like, and make them all. Plus you will get a 10% discount on the bundle as well.

All of the Vintage Quilts are traditionally pieced, and a lot of fun to make! Fabric requirements are included on the back of each pattern, so grab your bundle and get sewing today!

The print bundle is a bit more due to shipping & packaging costs, however, it is still a better deal than purchasing the patterns individually.

The Vintage Quilt Bundle includes PRINTED patterns for:

  • Vintage Summer Quilt Pattern
  • Vintage Spring Quilt Pattern
  • Vintage Glory Quilt Pattern
  • Vintage Fall Quilt Pattern
  • Vintage Christmas Quilt Pattern






Note: These are hard copy PRINT Patterns. Your patterns will be mailed upon completion of your order.