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The Ultimate Cross Stitch Project Planner PDF


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NOTE: This is a PDF DOWNLOAD ONLY. To download your purchase, click "my account" in the top right corner, then click "view" on your order.



The Ultimate Cross Stitch Project Planner is an 8×10 PDF download including:

  • 54 full-color planning pages
  • Helpful Floss Chart Information Pages
  • Cross Stitch & Embroidery Planning Pages
  • Dream Cross Stitch Pages
  • Project Overview Pages
  • Notes Pages

Since it's a PDF, it is also customizable so that if you you're not interested in a certain craft that's included you can just omit those pages when printing. You can also print more/less of certain pages if you want as well, making this planner unique to your needs!

This fun project planner pages include basic yarn weight and needle/hook size information as well as some helpful gauge measurements as well. I included a dream project page to keep track of upcoming projects you want to remember. And of course, it includes project pages to keep track of all of your fiber-related projects including sketch areas where you can draw in your own designs or keep track of notes, changes, etc.






Get the ULTIMATE Cross Stitch and Embroidery PROJECT PLANNER and start organizing your crafty makes now!

NOTE: This is a PDF DOWNLOAD ONLY. To download your purchase, click "my account" in the top right corner, then click "view" on your order.