The Ultimate Cross Stitch Project Planner PDF$9.95NOTE: This is a PDF DOWNLOAD ONLY. To download your purchase, click "my account" in the top right corner, then click "view" on your order. THE ULTIMATE CROSS STITCH & EMBROIDERY PROJECT PLANNERThe Ultimate Cross Stitch Project Planner is an 8×10 PDF download including:
Since it's a PDF, it is also customizable so that if you you're not interested in a certain craft that's included you can just omit those pages when printing. You can also print more/less of certain pages if you want as well, making this planner unique to your needs! This fun project planner pages include basic yarn weight and needle/hook size information as well as some helpful gauge measurements as well. I included a dream project page to keep track of upcoming projects you want to remember. And of course, it includes project pages to keep track of all of your fiber-related projects including sketch areas where you can draw in your own designs or keep track of notes, changes, etc. NOTE: This is a PDF DOWNLOAD ONLY. To download your purchase, click "my account" in the top right corner, then click "view" on your order. Customers who bought this product also purchased... |