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Sunburst Zipper Pouch PDF


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Crochet Sunburst Tote PDF

Crochet Sunburst Tote

Finished Bag Size: Approx. 10" x 5"

Finished bag size may vary depending on your yarn and hook size.

Pattern Includes:

  • Full-color step-by-step Crochet Sunburst Square instructions
  • Full-color step-by-step Crochet Sunburst Zipper Pouch assembly & lining instructions
  • Step-by-step graphic illustrations along with written instructions
  • Bonus ideas and video tutorials!


NOTE: Using another yarn weight is fine, just note that it will change the size of your finished crochet blocks and alter the size of your finished bag.

Crochet Sunburst Zipper Pouch Lining

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