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Letter of the Week - PDF


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I am really enjoying this curriculum with my newly 3 year old and 4 year old. We have finished letters A, E, I, O, U, B, C, and are in the middle of D. We don't follow the schedule too closely; instead we jump around from activity to activity within the letter. What I do is print out the entire letter package and then split it into two parts - laminated and not laminated. I keep the non-laminated pages on my desk and when we have time between my older children's school work, I sit down with my younger ones and they pick out what they want to do for the day. Usually, one will work on the cutting or pasting and then I'll use the laminated pages with the other, tracing or putting a puzzle together. My 4 year old has his required curriculum, so this is more of a supplement for him, but he really enjoys using it. I love that I can be flexible with the curriculum and print out whichever letter I want for the week. I love that I can print out multiple copies of the same page, like the poke pages or the dot-to-dot pages, since those seem to be the favorites. I love the graphics. I love the Bible verses for each letter. I love the weather chart (my 4 year old's favorite part of the day is checking the weather and marking it on his graph page) Thank you for such a great product!
Date Added: 11/07/2013 by Kathrine Keller