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Classic Literature Mega Pack Vol. 1 - PDF

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My children and I were so blessed by this product. I began using the studies when my oldest started 2nd grade (almost three years ago). We worked through the studies one chapter at a time with me reading them aloud. Then I had her do the mini book that went along with that day's reading. Even now, at almost 10 years old, she still enjoys these studies and wants me to read the book aloud to her. It took us a while to get through each book in pack one (actually we still need to read Mr. Popper's Penguins), and now I'm looking forward to going through pack 2 with both of my children next school year (1st and 5th). The studies allowed me to read stories from my elementary years and read books that were brand new to both of us. It surprised me how many classic books I never read as a child. Erica's materials are helping me to redeem my own education. Thank you for these studies. Keep them coming!
Date Added: 05/17/2016 by Diana Kempson