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King Arthur & His Knights Unit Study PDF


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After taking a year to decompress from the school experience, this is my 1st year delving into homeschooling with my now 3rd grader. I have been unhappy with how I have been working on literature with her. But just happened to find this blog and the concept of "lapbooking". Not being a very crafty person, as i looked more into lapbooking I was excited by the concept but had no idea how to really start with it. I purchased these materials this evening and as they printed out, I got my enthusiasm back and felt like I could do this! Seeing how the information is laid out is already giving me our own ideas for the future and to use in other subject areas. My daughter is going to also be very excited to start this new way of doing literature! Prior to finding this, we were copying vocabulary words from each chapter and doing a chapter "test", with sometimes a project thrown in or maybe a drawing of a scene. This is going to be a much better and more interactive approach. I can't wait to get started! The instructions are easy and well written so that even though I'm not crafty, I know that I can easily make this lapbook. Thanks for putting all of this together! We are considering additional purchases in some of the other subject areas as well.
Date Added: 04/05/2015 by Nancy Schwartz