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(image for) Worlds Greatest Artists 1 PDF

Worlds Greatest Artists 1 PDF

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I am really excited to start this adventure with my daughter! We love art and history! So I think...
Date Added: 05/16/2013 by Shannon Boston

(image for) K4/K5 Kindergarten Curriculum - PDF

K4/K5 Kindergarten Curriculum - PDF

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I love this curriculum and would definitely recommend it to others! My son is a kinesthic learner...
Date Added: 03/07/2013 by Stacy Krehel

(image for) Expedition Earth - PDF

Expedition Earth - PDF

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Absolutely AMAZING! My girls (k, 3rd and 5th) can't wait for geography every day because of this...
Date Added: 03/05/2013 by Brenda Chryst

(image for) Mr. Poppers Penguins Unit Study PDF

Mr. Poppers Penguins Unit Study PDF

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I just finished creating these lapbooks with my First Grade class. They have truly enjoyed working...
Date Added: 02/07/2013 by kelly mikesell

(image for) Worlds Greatest Composers Vol 1 PDF

Worlds Greatest Composers Vol 1 PDF

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I love it so far. This curriculum is an answer to prayer. I'm not familiar with composers and music...
Date Added: 11/05/2012 by Lisa Washington

(image for) Worlds Greatest Artists 2 PDF

Worlds Greatest Artists 2 PDF

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A wonderful curriculum to teach art appreciation. Once you get the artist books that are suggested...
Date Added: 09/14/2012 by Renee Woods